
Psychotherapists in the College for Sexual and Relationship Therapy are trained and accredited to work with all aspects of human sexuality and gender issues. Members in this College believe in healthy and satisfying relationships. They work with both individual and couples and are able to help with a wide range of problems including difficulties with emotional communication. They can also help with relationship breakdown and facilitate the way forward when a relationship is not working.

Sexual and relationship psychotherapists mostly rely on ways of working that are relationship-based and involve experience or observation to resolve problems. The psychotherapeutic technique(s) that they use may vary from therapist to therapist but might include systemic, humanistic, existential and psychodynamic approaches and the application of attachment based theory. The therapist may also use cognitive and behavioural elements to enable their client(s) to change unhelpful thoughts and beliefs about their problem(s).

College members must know about the anatomy and physiology of sexuality. They must also know about and the impact of drugs, illness and surgery on human sexuality and relating. Sometimes the psychotherapy may include sexual and psychological education.

The College requires that its members adhere to its Code of the Ethics and Practice for Sexual and Relationship Psychotherapy and Psychosexual Counselling in all aspects of their work wherever they practise. These ethical principles were established to underpin and guide members’ work as well as inform and protect all those who use their services.